Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Chronicles of Narnia

Went to see Narnia on Friday. Absolutely pants. It just doesn't translate to film. The idea that children can lead an army is enchanting on paper but looks rediculous when filmed. The claustrophobia of the woods in the book is almost completely ignored.Tilda Swinton is sexless. Edmund is made out to be spoilt and petulant rather than unsettled and conflicted. The battle scene is pretty good though, nice and violent. But having watched Lord of the Rings, the whole thing feels hilariously inconsequential. There doesn't seem to be anything really at stake. In fact it borders on camp. Santa turns up to give the kids their weapons but ends up playing the part of a Boozy Q (Now lishen carefully, thish ish a shword). And there is one hilarious bit where Edmund hops on a horse and goes "Woh Horsey" only for said horse to plant his shoes on the ground, turn slowly and in the gayest voice imaginable, spit: "My Philip". If you read the books, you're going to see this anyway; to satisfy your curiousity more than anything else. But if you are in two minds go to see the hilarious Kiss Kiss Bang Bang instead, it's hugely enjoyable. And there's King Kong out today as well! I can't wait to see that.


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